Monday, 5 June 2017

Amazon Sales Analysis

I took a look at the sales of The Pink Herring through Amazon today. Nearly half the sales are in the eBook format and I expect that percentage to rise as time goes on.

The price differential between the eBook and the paperback is £8 although there is little difference in royalty due to the print costs. 16% of the sales have been through the KindleUnlimited platform and it's surprising that's it's so low. 

However, the second set of slides show the split between countries and no
surprises that the vast majority of sales come from the UK and Ireland (90%) with only 6% from the USA. KU membership is much more common in the states and may account for why the sales through KU are low.

I have found it very difficult to break into the US market since I only have 2 reviews there as opposed to the 13 reviews I have in the UK. I may indulge in some mainstream marketing once the The Nor'easter is released since the series will hopefully be established by then...

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  1. So does the US market not account for the UK reviews ?
    Come on Amazon there is a world outside of the states. It's interesting that in consumer electronics world it works the other way in that the US looks at the UK at having the most valuable and respected product reviews for the global market.

    1. No Chris, they only see the US comments. Whatever the product its the same all over the world so all comments (in the same language) should be shown...

    2. I agree totally - somebody needs to give Amazons head of global strategy a nudge!!


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The Nor'easter is on sale

    eBook from AmazoniBooksKobo or any other digital platform. Paperback from Amazon.

The Pink Herring is on sale

    Buy it as a paperback at Amazon or on any digital platform at Books2Read