Welcome - this site provides more depth and detail than is possible or appropriate on my social media platforms. I should be updating my blog more often but here you will find out how I started as an author, my writing style, tips for writing and self-publishing as well as up-to-date news on my latest projects.

I published my first book, The Pink Herring on 22nd March 2017, a crime fiction thriller based around the exploits of the central character as a criminal psychologist, Shaun Young. Working as a freelance consultant for the Norfolk Constabulary CID, he is blessed (or perhaps cursed) with an eidetic ability - a photographic memory - which together with a unique skill in deductive reasoning, allows him to identify leads and clues normally hidden from plain sight.
The Pink Herring was the first in a series of books featuring Shaun Young. The second, The Nor'easter, was published on 26th October 2018. I am currently writing the third in the series, The Whistle Blower which will be released in 2020.

My writing style is rich in character and strong on dialogue, allowing the reader to bond quickly with even the most minor of players in intriguing and contemporary storylines. The cast of characters is broad, but their individual depth reveals the humanity of their personal and professional lives.
"The author has a valuable knack of creating real people out of characters who are only bit players"
My Shaun Young series of books are set in Norfolk, England and from the inner workings of the city of Norwich, through sprawling rural landscapes to the long list of thriving or struggling coastal towns. Hopefully, my depth of knowledge of the region will give you a distinct identity of life there.
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The six degrees thing is so true. Time and time again life throws out these astonishing links to far reaching people you know of via people you meet; in my lifetime it's happened a few dozen times - and that was before the evolution of social media platforms!